SDT Extensions

SDTools seeks to support industrial partners in solving test and analysis related problems. Our base libraries SDT and FEMLink are meant as of the shelf solutions for standard problems in vibration, but we also develop custom software solutions for use in industrial design processes. This document describes our licensing policies. 

Solutions available for direct industrial licensing are

  • Viscoelastic vibration tools. Parameterization of complex modulus constitutive law from material testing results. Computation of transfer functions for large order frequency dependent models. Parametric design tools.
  • SDT Runtime lets you use the MATLAB compiler to generate stand-alone executables that use SDT and FEMLink capabilities. The Runtime answers the need to allow large scale deployment of solutions developed with SDT. It was for example used by SNCF to deploy OSCAR. Contact us for more information on licensing.
  • SDT Rotor. Vibration analysis of rotating machinery. Fast generation of Campbell diagrams trough advanced disk model reduction, mistuning, multi-disk reduction, …
  • ctc_utils contact utilities for the support of contact in SDT (brake squeal, joint damping, …)
  • fe_shapeoptim mesh morphing tools that can be used for shape optimization studies

Solutions that are not documented well enough for direct licensing, but can be deployed as part of consulting projects

  • Distributed Structural Modification. These tools were originally developed for EDF for use in on-site vibration problem solving.
  • ProSpadd an integrated application layer for ARTEC SPADD damping devices. It allows initial evaluation of the damping potential, where the viscoelastic vibration tools are meant for detailed study.
  • Modal analysis and test analysis correlation with rotation sensors. These tools were originally developed for Siemens for use in machine tool diagnostics.

For more information on these services please contact

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