CBI Brake squeal testing and simulation

SDTools collaborates with CBI on brake squeal simulation and testing.

Squeal measurement using operational deflection shape. Quality assessment and analysis improvement using FEM expansion.
G. Martin, E. Balmes, G. Vermot des Roches, T. Chancelier
Eurobrake 2017, Download PDF

Updating and design sensitivity processes applied to drum brake squeal analysis.
G. Martin, E. Balmes, G. Vermot des Roches, T. Chancelier
Eurobrake 2016, Download PDF

Review of model updating processes used for brake components.
G. Martin, E. Balmes, G. Vermot des Roches, T. Chancelier
Eurobrake 2014, Download PDF

Characterization of identification errors and uses in localization of poor modal correlation.
G. Martin, E. Balmes, T. Chancelier
MSSP 2017, Download PDF

Frequency and time simulation of squeal instabilities. Application to the design of industrial automotive brakes.
Guillaume Vermot des Roches
PhD 2011 Download PDF

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