Etienne Balmes’s PhD defense

Etienne’s PhD thesis “Experimental/analytical predictive models of damped structural dynamics” contains the identifications algorithms (later called IDRC and IDRM) that were the first blocks of what was about to become the SDT.
Structural Dynamics Toolbox

The Structural Dynamics Toolbox (SDT) is sold by Scientific Software Group (now The MathWorks, France)
SDTools company

Creation of the SDTools company to transform the original SDT academic toolbox into a professional product and start consulting activities.
Hosting at Ecole Centrale Paris

SDTools has collaborated with the MSSMat Laboratory (now LMPS) of Ecole Centrale Paris, where Etienne Balmes headed the Vibration research group
OpenFEM library

SDTools partnered with INRIA to combine efforts in the development of a general-purpose multi-physics finite element library OpenFEM. This joint effort greatly augments the number of people involved in developing FEM capabilities distributed with SDTools products.
>350 industrial and 350 academic SDT licenses in 15 countries
A 4-person team developing new features in the software and specialized in expertise topics for consulting
The SDT software containing base functionalities and specialized modules
Industrial solutions among which
👉 Pantograph/catenary interaction (OSCAR)
👉 Train/track interaction (Dynavoie)
👉 Brake squeal analysis
Research results with
👉 scientific publications
👉 PhD thesis supervision by Etienne Balmes
👉 development and maintenance of the OpenFEM library