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1.11  Release notes for SDT 6.0 and FEMLink 3.3

1.11.1  Key features

Key features of the SDT 6.0 release are

Key features of FEMLink 3.3 are

OpenFEM has undergone many detail improvements and the following revisions

For MATLAB compatibility see section 1.11.3.

1.11.2  Detail by function

The following functions have been rewritten in large part

feplot, fecom

A major revision of the material and property visualization interfaces (see section 4.1.1), extensions of toolbars, context menus, support of large deformation sets stored on disk through v_handle objects, viewing of loads boundary conditions, sensors, ... Introduction of cf.Stack and cf.CStack methods to manipulate model and case stack properties.
iiplot, idcomwere fully revised (as the associated functions idopt, xfopt, ii_plp, idcom). The data is now stored in a stack of curves. It can be access by both name and number. There are no limitations on the number of sets. New transformations of sets (FFT, sum, MMIF, ... can be accessed from the context menu).
 The property figure has been greatly enhanced. The idcom figure now appears as tabs in the iiplot property figure. You can save and name the current state of your figure for later recall of standard plots. You can save series of commands for simple recall. Compatibility with earlier SDT versions is discussed in section 2.1.6.
ii_mmifnow supports many standard signal transformations and is fully integrated in the new iiplot.


supports piezo-electric volume and shell elements (through q4cs) as well a standard procedures for the definition of electrodes and patsches used as actuators or sensors, see details in section 6.6

Other significant changes are listed below

fe2ssExtensions on the types of sensors and loads supported.
fe_caseThe Connection commands have undergone significant performance and robustness enhancements.
fe_cyclicnow support general periodicity conditions.
fe_expUse of standard structures for test or FEM modes is now accepted as input argument.
fe_loadSurface load assembly was completely revised to be fully compatible with the newer generation of elements. The new fe_case DofloadSensDof command can be used
fe_mknlOptimized assembly handling (viscous and hysteretic damping)
feutilSignificant extensions in the handling of sets. Proper handling of empty selections with &. Rewriting of linear to quadratic element transformations.
 The new Lin2Quad command transforms linear elements into quadratic ones much more efficiently than the older transformations. Object commands, superelement suport, and selection using sets in the model stack have been enhanced.
 Renumber now also renumbers case entries (boundary conditions, loads, MPCs, ...)
fe_sensSupport for sensors has been completely rewritten which has a profound impact on fe_sens operation. Read section 4.3 for more details.
fe_simulhas undergone major revision to support calls with models stored in feplot.
nor2ssqbode have been enhanced for iiplot integration.

1.11.3  Notes by MATLAB release

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