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Refresh all the drawing axes of the iiplot interface.




iiplot used as a command with no arguments is the user entry point to refresh all the drawing axes. Section 2.1 gives an introduction to the use of iiplot and the companion function iicom.

Each iiplot axis can display some or all data sets in their stack. The selection of what is displayed is obtained using the iicom IIx commands or the Variables menu.

You can create a new iiplot axis using a curve data structure Curve (generated by fe_curve for example), simply calling iiplot(Curve). One can also add a stack of curve with the same mecanism by giving a curve stack in Curve.

Plot types supported by iiplot are described below. The plot type can be selected using the PlotType menu of the toolbar or through iicom Show commands.

Selected channels (columns of the data sets) are shown for all plots. The iicom commands +, -, ch and the associated keys and toolbar buttons can be used to change selected channels.

Pole lines for the indication of pole frequencies are available for many plots. The iicom PoleLine commands and the IIplot:PoleLine menu can be used to change how these lines appear. ci.Stack{'IdMain'} pole lines are shown in white/black.
ci.Stack{'IdAlt'} pole lines in red.

ci : handle

ci=iiplot returns a SDT handle to the current iiplot figure (2nd optionnal output argument is XF, a pointer to the curve stack, see  section 2.1.2). You can create more than one iiplot figure with ci=iiplot(FigHandle).


Curves to be display can contain a C1.PlotInfo cell array where the first column gives the type as detailed below and the second the associated data.

The ii_plp('PlotInfo',C1) command provides default values for classical configurations.


DimPos and channel

When displaying multi-dimensionnal curves as 2D plots f(x), the abscissa x is taken to be the first dimension declared in the C1.DimPos field (with a default at 1).

When displaying as 3D (f(x,y)) plots, the x,y are taken to be the first two dimensions declared in the C1.DimPos field (with a default at 1,2). You can then flip the positions in the plot axis by setting[2 1].

Channels are indices for remaining dimensions.

The y (z for 3D) axis label is built using the C1.DimPos(2) dimension unless the curve contains a LDimPos entry.


Specialized plots for idcom are

See also

iicom, iiplot, setlines, xfopt

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