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Utilities for FEM related data structures.


 ... = fe_def(def,'command', ... )
 ... = fe_def('command', ... )


Accepted commands are

SubDef, SubDof, SubCh

def=fe_def('SubDef',def,ind); keeps deformations associated with ind, which a vector of indices or a logical vector (for example,1)<500 can be used to select frequencies below 500). Other fields of the def structure are truncated consistently.

def=fe_def('SubDof',def,DOF) is extracts a subset of DOFs based on defined DOF or with def=fe_def('subdofind',def,ind) indices (again either values or logicals). This command is partially redundant with feutilb PlaceInDof called with def2 = feutilb('PlaceInDof',DOF,def). The main difference is the ability to add zeros (use DOF larger than def.DOF) and support sens structures.

fe_def('SubDofInd-Cell',def,ind_dof,ind_def) returns a clean cell array listing selected DOFs and responses. This is typically used to generate clean tables.

fe_def('SubCh',def,ind) is similar to SubDof but allows but supports more advanced selection for multi-dimensional curves. This command is not fully documented.


w=fe_def('DefFreq',DISK) returns frequencies defined in the info,Freq entries using Hz units.


Range commands are used to manipulate experiment (series of design points) specifications. A range is a data structure with fields

Acceptable .param field entries are


Range is defined by a grid of all the parameter values defined in par. par is expected as a cell array with as many elements as parameters. Each cell can be

par can also be a matrix following the model of the visco tools parameters definition (see fevisco Range for more details).

As an illustration, following example defines a grid 6x7 of 2 parameters named length and thickness:

par={'lab "length" min 10 max 20 cur 10 scale "lin" NPoints 6',...
     'lab "thickness" min 1e-3 max 2e-3 cur 0 scale "log" NPoints 7'};


Simply concatenate all parameter ranges (they must have the same length).


This command reshapes the last dimension of the result curve R1 according to the Range. For a grid DOE last dimension is split in as many dimensions as parameters. For a vector DOE, last dimension is only redefined by a cell array of labels defining each design point.

©1991-2012 by SDTools
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