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Reading of POLYTEC .svd files.


 wire         = polytec('ReadMesh',fname);
 list         = polytec('ReadList',fname)
 XF           = polytec('ReadSignal',fname,RO)
 [cmap,fname] = polytec('ReadImg',fname);


The polytecfunction reads files generated by polytec measurement systems. Actual files successfully read are :

Prior to use this function, the Polytec File Access provided by Polytec must be installed : Download the Polytec Update software (freely available in their website) and install it with all the dependencies.

This function has been tested only with a few versions of Polytec File Access (4.7, 5.0 and 5.6) , but we experienced no problem at each update so that it is likely to work with all versions in between.

It is possible for some application to merge several measurements files with the Polytec applications. This is handled by this function : simply provide the file defining the merge (and eventually the individual files if links are made and not data copy).


The ReadMesh command allows to extract the test wireframe in the SDT format. It contains the node locations and the sensor orientions (depending on the type of laser used : monopoint, with mirror, 3D laser)

wire=polytec('ReadMesh',fname); % Set the wireframe in the variable wire
polytec('ReadMesh',fname); % Without output, directly open the model in feplot


Three parameters are needed to access the data :

The ReadList command allows to see all the combinations of these parameters that are allowed for a given file. With an output, the call sends back a cell array containg all the cominations. Without, it opens a tree in a tab in the SDTRoot window, from which it is posibble to do a right click on the wanted data and select Read Selected : data are read and display in an iiplot window.

 % Provide a cell array with all readable measured data
 polytec('ReadList',fname); % Open a tree in SDTRoot to interactively select data


The ReadSignal command allows to read the measurement data specified by the three parameters (point domain, channel and signal) given in a structure as a third argument.

It is also possible to provide the wanted parameters by extracting the corresponding line of the cell array provided by the command ReadList (as a parameter list).

 RO=struct('pointdomain','FFT','channel','Vib & Ref1',...
 'signal','H1 Displacement / Voltage');
 % alternative call using one row of the cell array "list"


The ReadImg command allows to read the image used to construct the test geometry. The image is displayed in a figure, the RGB colormap is provided as first output and it creates a .png file whose name is given as second output.

 [cmap,fname] = polytec('ReadImg',fname);


The ToMat command allows to extract wanted data and save them as a .mat file in the SDT format. This is useful especially if the scripts that read the Polytec files must be run on a Linux OS or on computers where Polytec File Access is not installed.

Once the ToMat file has been executed, the .mat file is used insted of the Polytec one to load data (the ReadMesh and ReadSignal commands remain the same).

 RO=struct('pointdomain','FFT','channel','Vib & Ref1',...
 'signal','H1 Displacement / Voltage');
 % Create a .mat file next to the Polytec one with the mesh, the data and the image.

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