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Known bugs for SDT 4.0

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This section summarizes reported bugs for SDT 4.0 that can significantly affect operations.

0.1  feplot/iiplot

feplot/iiplot figures cannot be closed using the menu. You can close the figure using MATLAB close commands or using the close figure button.

You can fix the bug, by replacing lines 244-259 of comgui.m by
 % Close figure and button figure - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
elseif  comstr(Cam,'closefig')

  if ~isempty(gcbo)
   co=gcbo;while ~any(strcmp(get(co,'type'),{'figure','root'}))
   if co~=0 cf = get(co,'userdata'); else cf=get(gcf,'userdata'); end
  else cf=get(gcf,'userdata'); end
  if ~isa(cf,'sdth') & ~isempty(gcbo) & comstr(get(gcbo,'type'),'figure')
  else opt=cf.opt; st = cf.type;
    if comstr(st,'FeplotFig')|comstr(st,'IiplotFig')
     if opt(1,2)&ishandle(opt(1,2)) delete(opt(1,2)); end
     if opt(1)&ishandle(opt(1))
    else delete(gcbo);warning('Improper COMGUI CLOSEFIG'); end

0.2  fe_sens

The distance between test and FEM nodes is reversed in the rigid command. Line 341 of fe_sens should be
    r1 = in2(i1(j1),5:7)-in3(j1,5:7);r2 = in2(i1(j1),1)+[1:6]'/100;

0.3  femesh

If you use femesh from a function, you must first declare standard global variables as global using fegui, whereas is in the base workspace you need not do so.

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